Sony Not Ruling Out Cross-Platform Play With Xbox?

Microsoft dropped a major bombshell earlier this week, confirming that it was open to the possibility of cross-platform play between the consoles.
Nintendo Lose Value After Pokemon Go News?

Uh oh, Nintendo have lost 18% in share value after a report on July 22nd that warned investors that Nintendo didn’t actually own that much of Pokemon GO and thus wouldn’t have the financial impact on their company that the flood of stock purchases would seemingly indicate. It’s possible that after the decline in Japan…
Xbox System Update Alert!

The next Xbox One system update is coming later this spring–and it sounds like a big one. Xbox engineering lead Mike Ybarra said on Twitter that this update, the Windows 10 Anniversary Update announced at Microsoft’s Build conference, should arrive for Preview Program members at the end of May or early June.
Was The Wii U a Disappointment?

Critics have been wagging their tongue, with this week the focus being on Nintendo’s current-gen console, the Wii U. You don’t see the Wii U spoken about a lot on this site and there’s a reason for that, it isn’t exactly the most popular of consoles.